
Ballymote Heritage Weekend 2020 has been cancelled.

Ballymote Heritage Weekend 2020 – Important Notice

We wish to advise that the Heritage Weekend, due to be held this year from 31 July to 3 August 2020, has been cancelled. This decision is unavoidable due to social distancing requirements and other measures put in place by the Government to fight the spread of COVID-19. Cancellation of this year’s weekend of events is very disappointing but we must consider the health and welfare of our members and supporters. We look forward to seeing everybody at the Heritage weekend in 2021. The good news is that we expect to publish the Corran Herald this year as usual.

Corran Herald Indexes

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28th Ballymote Heritage Weekend (2017)

Join us from Friday 4th August to Monday 7th August 2017

A view of the Ballinascarrow road ex Ballymote Cassidys Corner Shop Lord Edward Street Ballymote Monument Archdeacon Terence O Rorke Church of The Assumption Collooney Coptic Manuscript

The Heritage Weekend organised by Ballymote Heritage Group will this year, as usual, provide a comprehensive programme of lectures of a cultural and historical nature by experts acknowledged nationally, and will organise a series of history tours over the August Bank Holiday weekend.

Cassidys Corner Shop Lord Edward Street BallymoteA unique feature of the 2017 programme will be the publication of the 50th issue or edition of the Ballymote Group’s journal, the Corran Herald.  To mark the occasion the editorial committee will allot prizes for (A): the best article, (B): the best article by a new writer and (C): the best article by a second level student.  The Corran Herald was first launched in October 1985.  The Herald was the brainchild of the late Una Preston.  Keenan Johnson Jr. proposed its title and the late James Flanagan who was its distinguished first editor until 2012.  Stephen Flanagan has filled the editorial role since 2012 and has maintained and enhanced the high standards set by his father.  The 50th Issue of the Corran Herald will be on sale during the week prior to the Heritage Weekend at €8 per copy.

The Corran Herald is sincerely grateful to more than fifty contributors of written articles, photographs and other material in the 2017 50th issue. Ballymote Heritage Group wishes to acknowledge the funding provided by Sligo County Council for the 50th issue of the Corran Herald through the 2017 Community and Voluntary Grant Scheme – Community Heritage

The lectures on Friday 4th, Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th and Monday 7th August will be delivered in the Teagasc Centre.  This lectures venue can be located immediately on the right hand side just over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road.  All four lectures will commence at 8.30 p.m.


National Museum of IrelandDr. Patrick Wallace, former Director of the National Museum of Ireland, will officially open the Heritage Weekend on Friday 4th August and he will then impart his knowledge derived from his immense experience of work in the Museum.  The title of Dr. Wallace’s lecture is ‘The Museum, Past, Present and Future’.  Dr. Wallace led the National Museum of Ireland team on the Viking Wood Quay project between 1974 and 1981.  In that year he became Director of the National Museum, a position he held for 24 years. Under Dr.Wallace’s guidance the National Museum developed its new museums at Collins Barracks and Turlough Park, Co. Mayo.

St. Mel's Cathedral LongfordOn Saturday 5th August at 9.00 a.m. our first outing of the weekend will bring our intrepid group of history tourists to Fenagh Abbey, St. Catherine’s Church of Ireland Church, Fenagh, Co. Leitrim, and to the recently reconstructed St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford.  Our guide will be Frank Tivnan, the Boyle historian. Frank will direct our group through the ecclesiastical site that was founded by St. Caillin in the 6th Century.  The now ruined abbey that we will visit was constructed on the same site in the 15th century.  The Book of Fenagh was completed in the monastery in 1516.

After Fenagh our next port of call will be St. Mel’s Cathedral in Longford.  The cathedral was built between 1840 and 1856. On Christmas Day 2009 the cathedral was destroyed by fire in the early hours of the morning.  The restored Cathedral reopened in December 2014.  Frank Tivnan will also be our guide in Longford.

Lunch will be included in the itinerary. All inclusive coach tickets for Saturday’s tour will be on sale at €30 in Casey’s Pharmacy, Teeling St., Ballymote (0719183370) or at the Friday night lecture in the Teagasc Centre.


Markree Castle SligoSaturday evening’s lecture is entitled ‘Re-imagining the Classical House as a Gothic Castle: Francis Johnson at Markree Castle in the Early Nineteenth Century’.  A distinguished member of the Irish Georgian Society, Limerick based Dr. Judith Hill, Architectural and Art Historian will be the lecturer.  Dr. Hill has provided Heritage Consultancy for a vast array of projects, including the Management Plan for Kilkenny Castle, Limerick Urban Centre Revitalisation, a Conservation Plan for King John’s Castle, Limerick, Dromoland Castle Hotel and a host of other conservation projects. Our eminently qualified academic and consultant will evaluate the work of Francis Johnston, the 19th century architect who designed and supervised the construction of Markree Castle.


Collooney Railway StationSunday’s tour (6th August) will commence at 2.00 p.m. with Collooney as our destination.  Peter Bowen-Walsh, the eminent railway historian, will enlighten us on site, concerning the significance of the three railway stations at Collooney and the history of the Collooney-Enniskillen Junction, the Collooney-Claremorris Junction and the Dublin-Sligo line. The 19th century expansion of the rail network in Ireland’s north-west is reminiscent of the railway development in the western frontier of the U.S. that was proceeding at the same time.  No doubt Peter’s presentation of the advent of our railways will be a dramatic and exciting historical narrative.

Part of the celebrated Sergio Benedetti mosaicsThe Church of the Assumption CollooneyMartin A. and Mary B. Timoney will demonstrate the unique features of the Churches of Collooney, a number of significant archaeological and geological sites at Rathdooneybeg, Carnareee and in the Ox Mountains. Our touring party will benefit immensely from Martin’s and Mary’s deep and abiding interest in our local archaeology and in the ecclesiastical architecture and art of our nearest urban neighbour.

Monument Archdeacon Terence O Rorke Church of The Assumption CollooneyThe monument and grave of Archdeacon O’Rorke and the Sergio Benedetti (Roscommon) mosaics in the Church of the Assumption in Collooney are indeed impressive. The priestly carving on the gatepost of the R.C. Church car park will be discussed.  We will note the work of Collooney born architect, Sir John Benson, who directed the construction of Collooney Catholic Church and the renovations in St. Paul’s Church of Ireland, Collooney.  A visit will be made to the home of Collooney born physicist, William Higgins, who first perceived the Atomic Periodic Table.  Three hours will be the duration of this relatively local tour.

Coach tickets at €12 may be purchased at the usual venues i.e. Casey’s Pharmacy or at any previous lecture. There will be no lunch during the Collooney tour.


Coptic ManuscriptAlf Monaghan will be the lecturer for Sunday evening’s discussion. This lecture is ‘Monastic Ireland – A Gift of the Nile’.  Castlebar born Mr. Monaghan grew up in Enniscrone and now resides in Carrick-on-Shannon.

Alf spent ten years in Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt as a business advisor to five Middle East governments.  His lingering in this region sparked off a deep interest in early Christianity and the links and influences between this area and Ireland, many of which are now lost or forgotten.

Multyfarnham AbbeyOur 9.00 a.m. outing on Bank Holiday Monday 7th August, will bring us to Belvedere House and Gardens, Mullingar and to the Church in Multyfarnham Friary. Belvedere House was built in 1740 for Robert Rochfort and was designed by the famous architect Richard Cassels.  The story of the Follies, especially the Jealous Wall and the accounts of stormy romantic relationships are more dramatic than anything found in novels. The Walled Garden, the Fairy garden, the Woodland Walks and the Lake Shore are visual delights waiting to be savoured.

On the return journey Ballymote our coach will visit the Church in Multyfarnham Friary for about half an hour.  Fr. Loman McCoy OFM will outline the story of the Abbey church that was originally built in 1270 by William Delamer.  Combating suppression, the church and the friars experienced many turbulent years but the order continued to minister in the locality through penal times.  The church was partially restored in 1827 and was finally modernised with some medieval features between 1973 and 1975.  Peace abides beneath its arches.

Lunch will again be included in the itinerary. All inclusive coach tickets for Monday’s tour at €35 can be purchased in the usual venues, Casey’s Pharmacy or at any previous lecture in the Teagasc Centre.


Bòthar an ChorainnMonday’s 8.30 p.m. lecture will be the work of Sam Moore, Archaeologist. Surely the people of the Barony of Corran will derive bewildering benefit from Sam’s research of the subject ‘Ancient Pathways: The Bealach Buidhe, the Red Earl’s Road and Bóthar an Chorainn in Counties Sligo and Roscommon’.  The significance of Bóthar an Chorainn and the Red Earl’s Road, respectively west and east of Keash Hill, for the development and indeed the very existence of the settlement of Ballymote, will be outlined by Mr. Moore, who will demonstrate, townland by A view of the Ballinascarrow road ex Ballymotetownland, the alignments of the two medieval roads that linked Boyle and Ballymote.  These two routes have greatly impacted on the lives of the people of Corran during the last two millennia.  It will be fascinating to come to realise that many of the roads we daily use were equally important to generations of our ancient ancestors who are now consigned to the mists of time.


Entry to lectures at the Teagasc Centre will be €10. Coaches for the outings depart from the Catholic Church car park. For further information please contact 087 4169557.

27th Annual Ballymote Heritage Weekend

Join us on Thurs. 28th July to Mon. 1st August 2016

Lectures at The Teagasc Centre
(immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road)

Hamlet and Míse Éire
will be screened at The Art Deco Theatre and Cinema

The Battle of the Somme
documentary will be screened in Ballymote Community Library

Review of Ballymote Heritage Weekend 30 July to 3 August 2015

Ballymote Heritage Group celebrates another successful Heritage Weekend

The 26th Ballymote Heritage Weekend which took place as is customary over the August holiday weekend from 30th July to 3rd August was a notable success.

As has now become a tradition, the weekend opened on Thursday 30th July with a film screening at the town’s beautifully restored Art Deco Theatre and Cinema. To mark the 100th anniversary of events during World War I the film screened this year was Gallipoli by Australian Director Peter Weir and with a cast including Mel Gibson. The film was very moving as it told the tragic story from the perspective of individuals involved – soldiers drawn from remote parts of Australia. The film was no less effective for indulging less in the sort of explicit blood and guts we have come to expect in more recent war movies. Military conflict was also the subject of two impressive documentaries shown in the Art Deco on the Friday afternoon on the role of the Irish Brigade in the American Civil War. Sean Rooney of the Art Deco kindly provided welcome refreshments between the screenings of the two documentaries for which admission was free of charge.

A capacity audience filled the theatre in the Ballymote Teagasc Centre for the opening lecture on the Friday evening by Eamonn Kelly, former Keeper of Irish Antiquities at the National Museum. The audience was told of how evidence from examination of bodies preserved in bogs across the country since the Iron Age suggests that they are the mummified remains of kings who were ritually murdered when they were seen to have failed in their leadership roles! The lecture by Professor Rachael Moss of Trinity College Dublin on the Saturday struck a more positive note as she reminded the audience of the national importance of Ballymote Castle and the Book of Ballymote – now in the Royal Irish Academy; the new issue of The Corran Herald includes two articles on the later. Kevin Mulligan’s lecture on the Sunday impressed the audience with the remarkable range of interesting buildings revealed in the course of his work researching and writing The Buildings of South Ulster – Armagh, Cavan, Monaghan published last year and was a tantalising taster for the outing planned for the following day.  Dr Padraig Deignan’s lecture on the Monday evening drew attention to  a very different time in Sligo history when major political roles were played by leading landowning families, including the Percevals and Ffolliots.

Outings on Saturday, Sunday and Monday were remarkably informative and enjoyable. All who went on the Saturday outing were enormously impressed by the extraordinary collection put together by Ballina Fishmonger and politician the late Jackie Clarke. Equally impressive is work that has been done by Mayo County Council to house the collection in a beautifully restored and adapted Bank building in the centre of the town with a remarkable newly created contemporary style garden. The group received a warm welcome from Susan Kellett at Enniscoe where lunch was followed by a walk in the beautiful garden and Susan’s personal tour of the house. The group was given an equally warm welcome at Lissadell on Sunday by Eddie and Constance Walsh where a tour of the house was followed by a delicious lunch and completed with a wander in the beautifully restored Alpine Gardens in full bloom and the old walled kitchens which are a work in progress.

The weekend excursions ended on a high note with a remarkable tour of Cavan and Monaghan on holiday Monday. Many had expressed particular interest in coming on the trip and numbers surpassed all expectations. When the bus filled up there were only 2 vacant seats. Evidently there was great curiosity to visit two counties on our doorsteps which are not traditional tourist destinations; and the day was not a disappointment. The group was warmly greeted on arrival at the Creighton Hotel in Clones which group guide, architectural historian Kevin Mulliagan, told us had been built as the hostelry for first class passengers when the town was on a railway route. The weather held up while Kevin lead the group on an hour and a half long walking tour of the town which reveals its origins as an important ancient monastic site in the survival of an impressive celtic cross in the Diamond at the town centre,  round tower, ‘the wee’ abbey and saint’s tomb. The cemetery around the tower contained fascinating vernacular carved 18th century grave stones peculiar to the area. Kevin’s years of careful study meant that he was able to draw attention to the fascination range of buildings from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries – pointing out detail including the origin stone used and informing us of architects involved with particular buildings. Going through an archway to look at the rear aspect of an unpromising building often reveals that it is a much older and more interesting structures with intact historic features. In the past old buildings were often adapted or altered for new uses and this had resulted in interesting survivals, particularly in areas saved from the demolition and rebuilding characteristic of Celtic Tiger times which were often characterised by free availability of cash without respect for retaining and preserving the fabric of our built heritage – particularly our historic towns. Kevin pointed out how the county library had been unnecessarily moved to a newly built warehouse-like building on the verge of the town while the beautiful and suitable old market house, the most prominent building in the town now remains vacant. The walking tour which was followed by a delicious lunch at the Creighton Hotel. The highlights of the afternoon included a visit to Dartrey Mausoleum which has been miraculously restored from a state of ruin after years of neglect and vandalism. The group was privileged in having as guide local man Noel Carney, Chairman of The Dartrey Heritage Association, who steered the complex restoration project which is a remarkable example of how a building in an apparently hopeless state of neglect and decay can be rescued. A surprise bonus was an opportunity also facilitated by Noel Carney to view Bellamont Forest the house designed in 1731 by Edward Lovett Pearce who was also responsible for the design of the Parliament House in Dublin’s College Green. The house, which is regarded by experts as Ireland’s most perfect mansion in the Palladian style, has been empty for a number of years and has been fortunately bought recently been purchased by a wealthy American businessman who has already commenced work on carrying out necessary conservation and repairs.

All in all a most enjoyable and worthwhile weekend. The Ballymote Heritage Group does not rest on its laurels and thoughts are already being tossed about for next year’s programme.  Dr Elizabeth Boyle of Maynooth University has committed delivering a talk on her recent work on the 16th century Book of Ballymote. The Corran Herald 2015/16 published by Ballymote Heritage Group is now for sale in newsagents in Ballymote and throughout the county

Ballymote Heritage Weekend 2015 – 26th Annual

Founded on May 30th 1984, Ballymote Heritage Group meets without fail each month and devotes itself to raising awareness of all matters of Heritage.

The Group has organised Ballymote Heritage Weekend each year since 1990 at the August Bank Holiday and publishes The Corran Herald annually:
2015 marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of the first issue in 1985.

Organised by Ballymote Heritage Group Ballymote County, Sligo

26th Ballymote Heritage Weekend

Thursday 30th July to Monday 3rd August 2015

Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre
(Immediately on the right over railway bridge
on Tubbercurry Road)

Film and Documentary Screenings @ The Art Deco Theatre and Cinema

2015 Events 

Ballymote Heritage Events 2014 – Celebrating 30 Years (1984-2014)

Founded on 30 May 1984, Ballymote Heritage Group celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2014.   Over that period it had met without fail each month and has continued to devote itself to its stated aim of raising awareness of all matters of Heritage.

Highlights of its activities include the Ballymote Heritage Weekend which this year celebrates its 25th year having taken place each year since 1990 at the August Bank Holiday and its publication of The Corran Herald each year since 1985. 

Thursday 31 July 2014

Classic film  – The Sound of Music

Admission: €6.00 Adults. €3 Children. Tickets from Tighe’s shop, Ballymote
Showing: 7:30pm
Venue:  The Art Deco Theatre & Cinema Ballymote

Friday 1 August 2014

Official Opening by Mary Kenny, Author  and Journalist.

Lecture: Poets and Priests of Ireland inn World War 1

Time: 8.30pm

Cost: €10

Venue: Teagasc Centre, Ballymote

(Take the Tubbercurry road out of Ballymote, cross the railway bridge and the Teagasc Centre is on the right hand side)


Saturday 2 August 2014

Outing To Derek Hill House and Glebe Gallery, Churchill, Co Donegal and Raphoe Heritage town.

Guide: Martin Timoney, BA FRSAI MIAI Research Archaeologist and Author.

Meeting point :Car Park at Catholic Church, Ballymote

Time: 9.00am


 Saturday 2 August 2014

Lecture: The Fadden More Psalter by John Gillis, Senior Book and Manuscript Conservator, Trinity College, Dublin.

Time: 8.30pm

Venue: Teagasc Centre, Ballymote (see above re location)

Cost: €10

Sunday 3 August 2014

Afternoon tea at Templehouse, Ballymote with Classical and Baroque Music.

Time : 3 pm

Cost: €12.50 (Accompanied children free)

Note: Tickets must be purchased in advance from Aidan Tighe’s shop, Ballymote, Remaining tickets available on the opening night.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Lecture: Sligo’s Hidden Bridges by Gary Salter, Conservation Engineer, Senior Executive Engineer, Sligo County Council.

Time: 8.30pm
Venue: Teagasc Centre, Ballymote ( see above re location)
Cost: €10


Monday 4 August 2014

Outing To Westport – guided walking tour of the historic town and guided tour of Westport House.

Meeting point: Car Park at Catholic Church, Ballymote

Time : 9.00am

Monday 4 August 2014

Lecture: Family Names in the Place-names of Sligo by Dr Conchubhar O Crualaoich

Time: 8.30pm

Venue: Teagasc Centre, Ballymote (  see above re location)

Cost: €10

Ballymote Heritage Group visits Dublin to view the Book of Ballymote

Ballymote Heritage Group, along with supporters and friends, visited Dublin on Wednesday 16 October 2013 to view the Book of Ballymote in the Royal Irish Academy.  Dr Bernadette Cunnningham, Deputy Librarian at the Academy gave a very interesting talk to the group on the Book of Ballymote.  The visiting group heard that the Book of Ballymote is one of the most important manuscripts held in the Academy. Everyone was very appreciative of the opportunity to visit the Academy, view the Book of Balllymote and learn of its historical importance.

The group also visited the European Parliament Office where Harry O Connor Deputy Head of Office gave a talk on the history of the EU, the role and work of the European Parliament and how EU laws are made. There was very positive feedback from the group on this talk and a lunch, hosted by the European Parliament Office, was enjoyed by all.  The trip was sponsored by the European Parliament Office.

The group also had the opportunity to visit Leinster House and the Houses of the Oireachtas at the invitation of Minister of State John Perry who welcomed the group at the start of the visit.  A period of time was spent in the visitor’s gallery to observe Dail Eireann in session, as well as a visit to Seanad Eireann and a general tour of the Dail.

For information on the Book of Ballymote see:


Review of Ballymote Heritage Weekend 1st to 5th August 2013

Ballymote Heritage Weekend which took place from Thursday 1st to Monday 5th August was a notable success. The Ballymote Teagasc Centre proved the perfect venue for lectures, with its state of the art facilities. Those attending also particularly enjoyed viewing the Exhibition of Historic Photographs of Ballymote which had been put together earlier in the year by Ballymote native and resident Mary Cawley at the instigation of Ballymote Business Association.

Those who attended the restored Art Deco Theatre and Cinema on Thursday 1st for the screening of the classic 1958 movie Dracula with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee had a real treat – including the pleasure of sitting in the remarkably fine art deco interior. Those who came along fearing that they might have to hide their heads in their hands found a piece of very polite old fashioned English theatre and, though it had its gory moments, the horror paled into insignificance in the light of the blood and guts we are constantly exposed to on television and in cinemas today.  The cardboard-like sets were more akin what one would find on the stage for Tubbercurry Drama Festival productions than what we have come to expect from movies today. The film proved to be a perfect preparation for Paul Murray’s lecture later in the weekend on Bram Stoker, the author of the novel on which the film is based. Paul Murray’s lecture inspired lots of discussion and curiosity to read the original novel and indeed Paul Murray’s own book, From the Shadow of Dracula: A life of Bram Stoker.

The Heritage Group and the Art Deco might consider showing other classic films in future as part of future heritage weekends. Art Deco management are looking at the possibility of establishing a film club.

On Friday Malcolm Billings, Journalist, Radio Producer and Author performed the official opening and delivered a fascinating lecture the theme of his recently published book on Vartan of Nazareth: A Missionary and Medical Pioneer In the Nineteenth Century Middle East.

The outing on Saturday to County Tyrone got off to a good start when the group were greeted on arrival at Clogher’s Church of Ireland cathedral by guide for the day, local historian Jack Johnston, and given a particularly warm welcomed by Canon Noel Regan, a Sligo native who had worked for many years in Brooks Hanleys. After the long bus journey welcome refreshments were provided by the local branch of The Mothers Union. Having seen the cathedral, the former See House, and nearby hill fort, lunch was served in the village hall with catering by the Tyrone County Club. The group viewed Liam McCormack’s catholic parish church and the earlier catholic church outside the town where all were saddened to view the grave of Avril Monaghan, her two unborn twins and 20 month old daughter who were victims of the Omagh bombing.

The audience on Saturday evening was enthralled by Peter Bowen’s vast knowledge and extensive collection of historic photographs displayed in his lecture on The Railways of Co. Sligo. It is to be hoped that this can be distilled into a book.

Almost 70 came to Temple House on the Sunday and the sun shone as the crowd gathered for the promised tour of the house. After Roderick Perceval’s talk and tour of the house, everyone could sympathise with Roderick Perceval and his wife Helena who have taken on the mammoth task of looking after the place. We saw the rooms that they have painted themselves and the vast semi-derelict attics where keeping the roof on is the first challenge. The guest rooms are beautifully arranged. A delicious lunch was prepared by Helena and her hard working assistants and served in the splendid setting of the ballroom. After lunch all emerged into glorious sunshine and wandered around the gardens and down to the ruined castle by the lake. It was agreed by all that it was a perfect afternoon and a memorable occasion, not least for the warm welcome provided by the Perceval family.

The weekend was completed on Monday with a fascinating visit to Tullynally Castle where the group  were lead on a tour of the house by Tom and Valery Packenham and a visit to the extraordinary complex of monastic buildings at Fore Abbey lead by historian Frank Tivnan who is well known to those who have attended on previous years. Dr. Padraig Deignan’s lecture on The Sligo Port Strike of 1913 maintained the high standard evident throught out the weekend.

Ballymote Heritage Group’s Journal The Corran Herald 2013-14 is now on sale in the shops with a wide ranging collection of articles and costs a modest €8.

24th Annual Ballymote Heritage Weekend 1st – 5th August 2013

In a now unfailing tradition, Ballymote Heritage Group has put together what promises to be an interesting and varied program of lectures and outings for its annual August holiday Heritage Weekend running from Thursday 1st to Monday 5th August 2013. The venue for lectures this year is the Ballymote Teagasc Centre, with its state of the art facilities, located over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road.

There are also a number of particularly notable added attractions this year. The Teagasc Centre will also be the setting for an Exhibition of Historic Photographs of Ballymote put together earlier in the year by Ballymote native and resident Mary Cawley, former head of the Sligo School Project. The exhibition was conceived by Ballymote Business Association as an event for The Gathering and was supported by Ballymote Heritage Group. It was originally displayed in the Art Deco Theatre and Cinema at St Patrick’s weekend. Many were disappointed to have missed seeing it and the Heritage Group thought that this would be an ideal opportunity to have the material on show again. It should be noted that the exhibition can only be viewed by those attending the lectures in the evenings so please come along then to avoid disappointment. Many of the photographs will also be found in the new issue of The Corran Herald, the superb journal of the Ballymote Heritage Group, published each year to coincide with the weekend (on sale on evenings of lectures and at selected outlets €8).

On Thursday 1st prior to the official opening on the Friday, the recently restored Art Deco Theatre and Cinema will screen the classic 1958 movie Dracula with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee to coincide with the lecture later in the weekend on Bram Stoker, the author of the novel on which the film is based. This is a truly unique occasion as it provides an opportunity to view a period movie in the setting in which it was originally intended to be seen. During the pre-television age virtually every town in the country had a cinema with a daily change of programme so that people often went to the ‘flics’ more than once a week. Virtually all cinemas from this period have been abandoned, demolished or converted to or replaced by multiplexes. The fine art deco exterior is equally matched by the fine interior hall now looking better than ever with its rows of period seating upholstered in traditional Hollywood ‘deluxe’ crimson velvet. Admission to the screening is €6.

A further innovation this year is that on Sunday 4th lunch has been arranged in the splendid setting of the ballroom of Temple House, the great country house in its landscape park setting a few miles from the town of Ballymote.  Roderick and Helena Percival have promised a traditional lunch and a fascinating tour of this elegant historic house built by the Perceval family. In the grounds near the lake is the fascinating complex of ruined buildings occupied for centuries before the construction of the current house and thought to incorporate the remains of the buildings occupied by the Crusading Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem to whom the land was granted in the middle-ages.    Understandably advance booking for this event is necessary at Aidan Tighe’s shop in Ballymote until Friday and remaining tickets will be available at the Friday lecture – Tickets cost €30.

The official opening on Friday 2nd August at 8.30pm will be performed by Malcolm Billings, Journalist, Radio Producer and Author who is well known to regular attenders as he has lectured many times over the years, particularly on the history of the middle-east on many aspects of which he has published. This year he will lecture on the subject of his beautiful new book Vartan of Nazareth: A Missionary and Medical Pioneer In the Nineteenth Century Middle East. Malcolm who lives in London is particularly welcomed back this year after the sad death of his wife Bridget (nee O’Hara of Coopershill)

On Saturday 3rd August 9 a.m.            an outing to county Tyrone has many interesting features –  Carlton Country (Tyrone): (Highlights including Clogher’s Georgian Cathedral, Carlton’s Cottage, Rathmór, Brackenridge’s Folly and church by noted architect Liam McCormack. The trip will be guided by Jack Johnson, Ulster Local Historian who has been our superb host on previous occasions. At 8.30 p.m. The Railways of Co. Sligo is the subject of a talk by Peter Bowen – Walsh, Railway Historian. Peter’s previous talk to the Sligo Field Club was impressive and those who missed it have a fortunate second chance to learn of Sligo’s fascinating railway history – Collooney was once a major junction with no less than three railway stations.

Having had your appetite whetted by the Dracula film on Thursday you might be tempted to return for another bite at the subject Sunday by listening to a lecture on Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Sligo Connection by Paul Murray, Retired Diplomat and Author of From the Shadow of Dracula: A life of Bram Stoker.

There is a very promising outing on Monday 5th August to Tullynally Castle home of Tom and Valery Packenham (Earl and countess of Longford and the Great Benedictine ruin of Fore Abbey lead by historian Frank Tivnan who is well known to those who have attended on previous years. Appropriately on the centenary of the great lock out, the final event is the 8.30 p.m. lecture by Dr. Padraig Deignan, author & historian on The Sligo Port Strike of 1913.



24th Annual Ballymote Heritage Weekend – 1st – 5th August 2013

The Corran Herald Latest Issue No. 46, 2013/2014

This Issue Contents:

Features in this issue include:

Tillie Casey – An Appreciation (David Casey)
John Doddy, A ‘Rebel’ Cleric (John Mc Ternan)
A strange thing happened on the way to the dance (Michael Farry) 
The place where I was born (Bernie Gilbride)
Faster, Higher, Stronger: My experience of the Olympics (Conor McDonagh)
Synge’s Chair on Irishmaan (Bernie Doyle)
Three stones and a well-dressed man: The story behind the story (Martin A Timoney)
Two giants of Irish life (PJ Duffy)
Further light on the linen Industry in 18th Century Ballymote (John Coleman)
Classiebawn and the Assassination of Lord Mountbatten at Mullaghmore: A Retrospective (Joe Mc Gowan)
A season in the Carrowmore Meadow (Lynda Hart)
The Ballad of Corran Park (Neal Farry)
Wedding Bells in 1914 (Submitted by Padraig Doddy)
Ballymote 1915-1921 (Mary Gaffney)
Underground Streams and Canals without water (Bernie Doyle) 
The Sligo Port Strike of 1913 (Padraig Deignan)
Cillin Monastic Site (John Higgins)
Down on the Farm in the 20th Century (Kathleen Fairbanks)
World War 1 Casualties from the Barony of Coran (Neal Farry) 
Inquisition in Ballymote 1593 and 1617 (Jim Higgins)
Count Charles O’Gara 1699 – 1777 (Maura O’Gara-O’Riordan)
‘Vanished Shop Fronts’ (Photographs collected for the Gathering photography exhibition) 
Mining in the Connaught Mineral Field (Pat Hughes)
The Irish Revolution 1912-23 (Neal Farry)
James Daly and the Land League – The Sligo Connection (Neil Mongey)
Heritage Weekend 2012 (Paddy Conboy)
Mayo Churches, Stained Glass and More (Micheal Murphy)
Headed paper of Hannan’s of Market Street from a receipt of July 1903
Dedicated to Sligo : Thirty – Four Essays on Sligo’s Past (Martin A. Timoney)
Photography of the Corran Park Committee in 1949
The Origins of Strandhill as a seaside resort (John Mc Ternan)
The Ballymote Gathering Photographic exhibition (Submitted by Mary Cawley) 

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