Author Archives: OSD Admin
Ballymote Heritage Weekend 2023
Please find the 2023 Poster below
Ballymote Heritage Weekend 2020 has been cancelled.
Ballymote Heritage Weekend 2020 – Important Notice
We wish to advise that the Heritage Weekend, due to be held this year from 31 July to 3 August 2020, has been cancelled. This decision is unavoidable due to social distancing requirements and other measures put in place by the Government to fight the spread of COVID-19. Cancellation of this year’s weekend of events is very disappointing but we must consider the health and welfare of our members and supporters. We look forward to seeing everybody at the Heritage weekend in 2021. The good news is that we expect to publish the Corran Herald this year as usual.
Corran Herald Indexes
Surname | First Name | Article | Issue Numbers | Date | Article Type | Page No | |
Surname | First Name | Article | Issue Numbers | Date | Article Type | Page No |
Friday 2nd August 8.30 P.M. Official Opening And Lecture “Irish Legal History at the turn of the century with a focus on County Sligo”, Speaker: Judge Keenan Johnson
Lecture: Irish Legal History at the turn of the century with a focus on County Sligo.
Speaker: Judge Keenan Johnson
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Further Information: 086 3542905
Saturday 3rd August 8.30 P.M. Lecture “Sligo’s archaeology history and folklore as revealed through caves”, Speaker: Dr. Marion Dowd
Speaker: Dr. Marion Dowd, Lecturer in prehistoric Archaeology in School of Science, Sligo IT.
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Further Information: 086 3542905
Sunday 4th August 11.30 A.M. Fr Anton McDonagh Chalice will be present at 11.30 Mass
The Fr. Anton McDonagh chalice is the only memorial left today, whose association with the Franciscan Friary at Ballymote is stamped on it. The inscription on the base of the Chalice in abbreviated Latin translates, “For the Convent of the Friars Minor of Ballymote: Friar Anton McDonagh had it made: September 1688”. This precious vessel will be making a return visit to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymote at the 11.30am Mass on Sunday August 4th courtesy of Bishop Kevin Doran, Sligo.
Further Information: 086 3542905
Sunday 4th August 2.00 P.M. Outing: Walking Tour of Ballymote
Guides: Neal Farry, Derek Davey and Dermot Henry.
Starts at Emlaghfad old Church and finishes at Coach House Hotel at 4.30p.m. Refreshments can be purchases at the Coach House Hotel.
*There is no charge for this walking tour.
Further Information: 086 3542905
Sunday 4th August 8.30 P.M. Lecture “The Illumination of the Book of Ballymote”, Speaker: Dr. Karen Ralph
Speaker: Dr. Karen Ralph – New York University, Paris.
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Further Information: 086 3542905
Monday 5th August 9.00 A.M. Outing: Birr Castle
Guided tour of the Castle and Self guided tour of the Gardens and Science Centre. Lunch in Courtyard Cafe on Castle Grounds.
Tickets €50 (including coach, entrance fee, morning tea / coffee and lunch) can be purchased in advance from Casey’s Pharmacy, Ballymote or on the day.
Coach for Outings departs from the Catholic Church.
Further Information: 086 3542905
Monday 5th August 8.30 P.M. Lecture “Sligo 1919 with a particular focus on South Sligo”, Speaker: Dr. Michael Farry
Speaker: Dr. Michael Farry, Writer, Historian
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Further Information: 086 3542905
Friday 3rd August 8.30 p.m. Official Opening and Lecture
Professor Mary E. Daly, Professor Emerita UCD.
President Royal Irish Academy 2014 -2017
Lecture: “Female Suffrage and the Irish Revolution, 1912-22”
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road).
Further Information 086 3542905
Saturday 4th August 9am – Outing: North Sligo/ Donegal
Spanish Armada Interpretive Centre and Streedagh beach in Grange.
Guide: Eddie O Gorman, Chairman of the Grange Armada Development Association.
Visit to Creevykeel Court Tomb.
Donegal Castle: Built in the 15th and 17th centuries and home of the O’Donnells, Earls of Tír Chonaill.
Donegal Abbey – Franciscan Friary.
(Tickets €35 including morning tea/coffee and lunch can be purchased in advance from
Casey’s Pharmacy, Ballymote or on the day)
Coach for Outings departs from the Catholic Church.
Further Information 086 3542905
Saturday 4th August 8.30 p.m. Lecture: “A Sacred Island before Christianity”
Speaker: Alf Monaghan. Alf has worked on Economic Development in the Near East.
His years there triggered a deep interest in the origins of religion and the influence of early Near Eastern religion on Ireland.
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road).
Further Information 086 3542905
Sunday 5th August 1.30 p.m. Outing: South Sligo
Crucifixion Plaque at St. Atracta’s Holy Well at Clogher and replica Early Christian decorated slabs at Carrowntemple Early Monastery.
Guide: Martin A. Timoney, Archaeologist.
Coleman Traditional Irish Music Centre, Gurteen
The Music of the Coleman Country – South Sligo Style of Irish music.
Speaker: Gregory Daly
(Tickets €15 including afternoon tea/coffee can be purchased in advance from Casey’s
Pharmacy, Ballymote or on the day).
Coach for Outings departs from the Catholic Church.
Further Information 086 3542905
Sunday 5th August 8.30 p.m. Lecture: “The Clergy and the First Crusade”.
Speaker: Malcolm Billings, former Presenter of BBC Radio 4 current affairs programmes
and Presenter/Producer of archaeological programmes on BBC World Service.
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road).
Further Information 086 3542905
Monday 6th August 9 a.m. Outing: Roscommon
Ballintober Castle, Roscommon – medieval castle, former seat of the O’Connor Don family.
Guide: Pyers O’Connor Nash
Ballintober Old Graveyard.
The decoration of the 18th and 19th century memorials of Co. Roscommon as seen in one graveyard.
Guide: Mary B. Timoney, author of Ballintober Old Graveyard and The Grave Memorials of Co. Roscommon
Donamon Castle, home of the Divine Word Missionaries – one of the oldest inhabited houses in Ireland. First recorded reference to “Dun Iomghain” is in the Annals of the Four Masters for the year 1154.
Guide: Fr Gerry Lannigan
(Tickets €35 including morning tea/coffee and lunch can be purchased in advance from
Casey’s Pharmacy, Ballymote or on the day).
Coach for Outings departs from the Catholic Church.
Further Information 086 3542905
Monday 6th August 8:30 p.m. Lecture: “The last Lord Coloony (Collooney) aka Sir Charles Coote, Earl of Bellamont (1738-1800).”
Speaker: John Coleman M. Litt. who is currently working on a biography of the Earl of Bellamont.
Lectures at The Teagasc Centre: €10.
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road).
Further Information 086 3542905
28th Ballymote Heritage Weekend (2017)
Join us from Friday 4th August to Monday 7th August 2017
The Heritage Weekend organised by Ballymote Heritage Group will this year, as usual, provide a comprehensive programme of lectures of a cultural and historical nature by experts acknowledged nationally, and will organise a series of history tours over the August Bank Holiday weekend.
A unique feature of the 2017 programme will be the publication of the 50th issue or edition of the Ballymote Group’s journal, the Corran Herald. To mark the occasion the editorial committee will allot prizes for (A): the best article, (B): the best article by a new writer and (C): the best article by a second level student. The Corran Herald was first launched in October 1985. The Herald was the brainchild of the late Una Preston. Keenan Johnson Jr. proposed its title and the late James Flanagan who was its distinguished first editor until 2012. Stephen Flanagan has filled the editorial role since 2012 and has maintained and enhanced the high standards set by his father. The 50th Issue of the Corran Herald will be on sale during the week prior to the Heritage Weekend at €8 per copy.
The Corran Herald is sincerely grateful to more than fifty contributors of written articles, photographs and other material in the 2017 50th issue. Ballymote Heritage Group wishes to acknowledge the funding provided by Sligo County Council for the 50th issue of the Corran Herald through the 2017 Community and Voluntary Grant Scheme – Community Heritage
The lectures on Friday 4th, Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th and Monday 7th August will be delivered in the Teagasc Centre. This lectures venue can be located immediately on the right hand side just over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry Road. All four lectures will commence at 8.30 p.m.
Dr. Patrick Wallace, former Director of the National Museum of Ireland, will officially open the Heritage Weekend on Friday 4th August and he will then impart his knowledge derived from his immense experience of work in the Museum. The title of Dr. Wallace’s lecture is ‘The Museum, Past, Present and Future’. Dr. Wallace led the National Museum of Ireland team on the Viking Wood Quay project between 1974 and 1981. In that year he became Director of the National Museum, a position he held for 24 years. Under Dr.Wallace’s guidance the National Museum developed its new museums at Collins Barracks and Turlough Park, Co. Mayo.
On Saturday 5th August at 9.00 a.m. our first outing of the weekend will bring our intrepid group of history tourists to Fenagh Abbey, St. Catherine’s Church of Ireland Church, Fenagh, Co. Leitrim, and to the recently reconstructed St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford. Our guide will be Frank Tivnan, the Boyle historian. Frank will direct our group through the ecclesiastical site that was founded by St. Caillin in the 6th Century. The now ruined abbey that we will visit was constructed on the same site in the 15th century. The Book of Fenagh was completed in the monastery in 1516.
After Fenagh our next port of call will be St. Mel’s Cathedral in Longford. The cathedral was built between 1840 and 1856. On Christmas Day 2009 the cathedral was destroyed by fire in the early hours of the morning. The restored Cathedral reopened in December 2014. Frank Tivnan will also be our guide in Longford.
Lunch will be included in the itinerary. All inclusive coach tickets for Saturday’s tour will be on sale at €30 in Casey’s Pharmacy, Teeling St., Ballymote (0719183370) or at the Friday night lecture in the Teagasc Centre.
Saturday evening’s lecture is entitled ‘Re-imagining the Classical House as a Gothic Castle: Francis Johnson at Markree Castle in the Early Nineteenth Century’. A distinguished member of the Irish Georgian Society, Limerick based Dr. Judith Hill, Architectural and Art Historian will be the lecturer. Dr. Hill has provided Heritage Consultancy for a vast array of projects, including the Management Plan for Kilkenny Castle, Limerick Urban Centre Revitalisation, a Conservation Plan for King John’s Castle, Limerick, Dromoland Castle Hotel and a host of other conservation projects. Our eminently qualified academic and consultant will evaluate the work of Francis Johnston, the 19th century architect who designed and supervised the construction of Markree Castle.
Sunday’s tour (6th August) will commence at 2.00 p.m. with Collooney as our destination. Peter Bowen-Walsh, the eminent railway historian, will enlighten us on site, concerning the significance of the three railway stations at Collooney and the history of the Collooney-Enniskillen Junction, the Collooney-Claremorris Junction and the Dublin-Sligo line. The 19th century expansion of the rail network in Ireland’s north-west is reminiscent of the railway development in the western frontier of the U.S. that was proceeding at the same time. No doubt Peter’s presentation of the advent of our railways will be a dramatic and exciting historical narrative.
Martin A. and Mary B. Timoney will demonstrate the unique features of the Churches of Collooney, a number of significant archaeological and geological sites at Rathdooneybeg, Carnareee and in the Ox Mountains. Our touring party will benefit immensely from Martin’s and Mary’s deep and abiding interest in our local archaeology and in the ecclesiastical architecture and art of our nearest urban neighbour.
The monument and grave of Archdeacon O’Rorke and the Sergio Benedetti (Roscommon) mosaics in the Church of the Assumption in Collooney are indeed impressive. The priestly carving on the gatepost of the R.C. Church car park will be discussed. We will note the work of Collooney born architect, Sir John Benson, who directed the construction of Collooney Catholic Church and the renovations in St. Paul’s Church of Ireland, Collooney. A visit will be made to the home of Collooney born physicist, William Higgins, who first perceived the Atomic Periodic Table. Three hours will be the duration of this relatively local tour.
Coach tickets at €12 may be purchased at the usual venues i.e. Casey’s Pharmacy or at any previous lecture. There will be no lunch during the Collooney tour.
Alf Monaghan will be the lecturer for Sunday evening’s discussion. This lecture is ‘Monastic Ireland – A Gift of the Nile’. Castlebar born Mr. Monaghan grew up in Enniscrone and now resides in Carrick-on-Shannon.
Alf spent ten years in Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt as a business advisor to five Middle East governments. His lingering in this region sparked off a deep interest in early Christianity and the links and influences between this area and Ireland, many of which are now lost or forgotten.
Our 9.00 a.m. outing on Bank Holiday Monday 7th August, will bring us to Belvedere House and Gardens, Mullingar and to the Church in Multyfarnham Friary. Belvedere House was built in 1740 for Robert Rochfort and was designed by the famous architect Richard Cassels. The story of the Follies, especially the Jealous Wall and the accounts of stormy romantic relationships are more dramatic than anything found in novels. The Walled Garden, the Fairy garden, the Woodland Walks and the Lake Shore are visual delights waiting to be savoured.
On the return journey Ballymote our coach will visit the Church in Multyfarnham Friary for about half an hour. Fr. Loman McCoy OFM will outline the story of the Abbey church that was originally built in 1270 by William Delamer. Combating suppression, the church and the friars experienced many turbulent years but the order continued to minister in the locality through penal times. The church was partially restored in 1827 and was finally modernised with some medieval features between 1973 and 1975. Peace abides beneath its arches.
Lunch will again be included in the itinerary. All inclusive coach tickets for Monday’s tour at €35 can be purchased in the usual venues, Casey’s Pharmacy or at any previous lecture in the Teagasc Centre.
Monday’s 8.30 p.m. lecture will be the work of Sam Moore, Archaeologist. Surely the people of the Barony of Corran will derive bewildering benefit from Sam’s research of the subject ‘Ancient Pathways: The Bealach Buidhe, the Red Earl’s Road and Bóthar an Chorainn in Counties Sligo and Roscommon’. The significance of Bóthar an Chorainn and the Red Earl’s Road, respectively west and east of Keash Hill, for the development and indeed the very existence of the settlement of Ballymote, will be outlined by Mr. Moore, who will demonstrate, townland by
townland, the alignments of the two medieval roads that linked Boyle and Ballymote. These two routes have greatly impacted on the lives of the people of Corran during the last two millennia. It will be fascinating to come to realise that many of the roads we daily use were equally important to generations of our ancient ancestors who are now consigned to the mists of time.
Entry to lectures at the Teagasc Centre will be €10. Coaches for the outings depart from the Catholic Church car park. For further information please contact 087 4169557.
Friday 4th August 2017 8.30pm. Official Opening and Lecture
Dr Patrick Wallace former Director of the National Museum of Ireland
Lecture: The Museum, Past, Present and Future.
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Saturday 5th August 2017 9am Outing: Fenagh Abbey, St. Catherine’s Church of Ireland, Fenagh, Co Leitrim and restored St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford.
Guide: Frank Tivnan, Historian.
(Tickets €30 (including Lunch) can be purchased in advance from Casey’s Pharmacy.
Any remaining tickets available at the opening lecture).
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Saturday 5th August 2017 8.30pm Lecture: “Re-imagining the classical house as a Gothic castle: Francis Johnston at Markree Castle in the early nineteenth century”
Dr Judith Hill, Architectural Historian
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Sunday 6th August 2017 2pm Tour of Collooney Rail Station and disused junctions
Guide: Peter Bowen Walsh (Railway Historian)
Tour of Collooney Rail Station and disused junctions.
And Architecture of Collooney Churches and other areas of local interest.
Guides; Martin A Timoney and Mary B Timoney (Archaeologists)
(Tickets €12 (includes transport) can be purchased in advance from Casey’s Pharmacy.
Any remaining tickets will be available at the opening lecture)
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Sunday 6th August 2017 8.30pm Lecture: “Monastic Ireland – A Gift of the Nile!”
Alf Monaghan
Alf is a long term observer of Middle Eastern affairs, including the emergence of early Christianity there and the influence of the Eastern Mediterranean on Irish Christianity.
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Monday 7th August 2017 9am Outing : Belvedere House/ Gardens, Mullingar and Multyfarnham Abbey
(Tickets €35 (including Lunch) can be purchased in advance from Caseys Pharmacy. Any remaining tickets will be available at the opening lecture).
Any remaining tickets will be available at the opening lecture).
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Monday 7th August 2017 8.30pm Lecture: “Ancient pathways: The Bealach Buidhe, the Red Earl’s Road and Bòthar an Chorainn in Counties Sligo and Roscommon.”
Sam Moore. Archaeologist. Institute of Technology, Sligo.
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Thursday 28th July 2016 5 p.m. The Battle of the Somme Documentary
Thursday 28th July 2016 8 p.m. Hamlet
Friday 29th July 2016 1.30 p.m. Míse Éire
Historic Film with music by Sean Ó’Riada, (1959) at The Art Deco Theatre & Cinema
(Free Admission)
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry
Friday 29th July 2016 8.30 p.m. Official Opening and Lecture “Being Miss Gore-Booth”
Anne Haverty, Novelist, Poet and Biographer of Constance Markievicz
Lectures @ The Teagasc Centre: €10.
Coach for Outings from Catholic Church
Further Information 087 4169557
(The Teagasc Centre is immediately on the right over the railway bridge on the Tubbercurry